职业和专业成功(CaPS) UNH的就业服务团队在哪里. Our mission is to imbue career preparedness across the entire UNH experience to equip our students with the experiences, 知识, and skills to thrive in an ever-changing future.
我们是 教练,联络人,冠军 为我们的UNH社区.
Proudly showcasing our most recently inducted 多样性 and 包容 Employer Champions and Rising Champions!
This program recognizes employer partners who demonstrate the utmost devotion to social justice and equality through tangible actions.
- 雇主:参见 雇主冠军的标准 并申请被包括在这里.
- 学生:查看完整的列表 雇主冠军与多元化 & 这里的包容性资源.
事业和专业成功 provides a number of platforms and career technology tools to assist students in building professional success.
Looking for a part-time or work-study job on campus? 在握手上搜索工作!
Connect with alumni and employers at any of the various career events hosted by 职业生涯 & 每学期的专业成就.
从电话面试, 远程视频会议, 演讲嘉宾, 信息会议, 和更多的. 今天安排一个房间!
of the UNH class of 2022 engaged with 事业和专业成功
of employers are satisfied with their recruiting experience at UNH.
1:00 - 3:00 PM
Weekly 职业培训时间 are a great way to get your questions answered. Drop-In Hours typically begin two weeks into each semester and continue until the last week of classes. Online 1:1 appointments are also available to schedule through 握手!
- cep证书 | Kingsbury N111
- CHHS |休伊特222
- 可乐 |麦康奈尔188
- COLSA |鲁德曼G04
- 保罗 |保罗104
- CPS | 只接受预约
- DIY专业大头照亭 |胡德屋2楼
Please note: Drop-in services are suspended during university closures and holidays (ex. Thanksgiving week, Winter Break, Spring Break, etc...)
人才招聘会往往会 & 事件
查看更多Job Postings with Upcoming "On-Campus" Interviews
联合国大学的主要职业资源. 与雇主联系, search and apply for full-time jobs and internships, 安排职业咨询预约, 注册事件, 专业的机会, 以及校园招聘.
A resume review tool that uses artificial intelligence to assess and offer instant feedback on your resume. Make sure your resume is in the best condition to get into the “yes” pile.
A video interviewing platform that allows you to practice interviewing and review your performance!
A tool for job and internship seekers find opportunities at home and abroad. 搜索 职业生涯 Guides specific to countries or cities around the world, 了解更多有关签证申请流程的信息, 还有更多! *用户必须先通过握手登录!
A career and education planning tool for UNH students. 自我评估你的职业相关素质, 探索专业和职业, 看看你是否做好了职业准备!
A career research tool containing more than 80 career guides and employer profiles, continually updated "insider" information on over 3,000家公司和70个行业
Six most recent postings approved on 握手. 要查看所有帖子,请登录 握手.
Click the postings below to learn more about the opportunity.